The border was shut today (except to me but that’s another story) so the only traffic was Chinese road builders. I flagged down a truck and lucky for me the driver had a pin that loosely fitted through one side of the rear fork. (the other side of the fork had the broken bolt). I jumped back on the bike and continued in second gear at 40km/h, 10km further the pin bent and rear shock absorber was stuck against the back wheel – no way was I going to meet the guide now.
I went back to my cave man origins and with a few rocks I banged the pin straight in an hour and rode in first gear at less than 10km/h for the last 20km.
After the border the Chinese roads were smooth and I made it 100km before the pinned snapped. The guide raced off to find a replacement while I stood on the side of the road, in the dark with the bike. New pin installed and I rode the last 100km into Kashgar – what a long day but very happy to make it.