Sunday, August 16, 2009

Into Iran I go

I have whinged about border crossings several times and so I prepare myself for each border crossing by reminding myself to relax because time is something I have plenty of!!

I left Turkey with not too much fuss and drove 10 meters straight into Iran (borders are usually separated by between half and several kilometers of no mans land). I was greeted with English speaking police who were courteous and friendly (this is unusual), while the passport was being processed we spoke about the usual topics, motorcycle, my wife (or lack of) and why I am by myself. We started joking and laughing where the border guard with a machine gun around his neck was bent over laughing, this made me a little nervous.

Onto customs, who were equally helpful, friendly, all spoke English and out into Iran I drove.

No bribes, no hassle, this a great start. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Hilarious Ben. Laughing yourself into insecurity. Brilliant.

    It's an situation I can easily imagine happening and a great story. And for me, a great read to start my week by.
