Saturday, May 30, 2009


My entry into Serbia was worrying and a little fun. One border guard could speak limited broken English and I not one word of Serbian. They write in Cyrillic letters which makes all words look the same.

The border guard wanted a green card for my bike, I showed the rego papers but he was not happy. He did know enough english to say a green card costs €100, I said forget Serbia, I am going back to Croatia! He went away to think about that it.

In the meantime I was entertaining a 100kg guard with my bike. He had a little 650cc BMW and he wanted pictures of him sitting on my bike (I had the keys in my pocket) - he could not stopping smiling!
The other border guard came back and said "we can deal of both us, €20 and you back cross border tomorrow night" His next shift was tomorrow night. We did a €20 handshake to agree.
Off I went... riding on to Belgrad . This country is run down, things work but parks, roads and buildings have had very little maintenance. Worst roads so far and I had to drive alot slower, no sign posts, limited detail on GPS, so I got lost many times.

I worked out the Green Card, its liability insurance - which I have. Forget the border guard, I stayed two nights and left via a border with Bosnia.

Next problem.... to cover their tracks they did not stamp my passport, so after 30 min explaining where I was in Serbia, how I got into Serbia, why I was here, why come to Serbia, etc. I crossed into Bosnia - happy to be in Bosnia.

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